The first progress meeting for OpenSuperQPlus took place in Budapest, Hungary from 17 to 18 June 2024, hosted by the project partners Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) and Wigner Research Centre for Physics (Wigner RCP) at the impressive campus of BME’s Building Q. The meeting involved more than 80 participants from all 28 project partner institutions. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss progress of the project towards objectives and start preparation for the official reporting to the European Commission. Also, the participants exchanged news on exciting scientific achievements and developed new ideas and collaboration opportunities.
After registration and buffet lunch in the aula, the meeting started in the main conference hall where the coordinator, Prof. Dr Frank Wilhelm-Mauch (Forschungszentrum Jülich – FZJ) presented the main outcomes and conclusions from the recent technical review meeting and encouraged discussion about contribution of the project to the Quantum Flagship KPIs. Representatives of the two hosting institutions, BME and Wigner RCP, briefly presented their quantum centers and activities, announcing the optional lab tour after the official programme. The dedicated project manager from RISE presented main updates from the work package related to project management and announced the upcoming periodic reporting. After the coffee break, attendees divided into groups for the parallel breakout sessions. Using seven rooms for seven different work packages during two hours, partners led vivid discussions about progress and challenges in their respective areas of work. The first day ended with the informal project dinner at the Trofea Grill Kiraly restaurant.
The second day started at 9 a.m. with the General Assembly session, gathering designated representatives of all partner institutions in the main conference hall. Some important project matters were discussed, particularly composition and appointment of the Roadmap committee, which is supposed to write a recommendation for the continuation of the project. After the plenary session on communication, dissemination and exploitation held by EURICE and RISE, attendees have once again formed working groups where they discussed important cross-cutting topics, points of collaboration between different work packages. During the lunch break, postdocs from the consortium presented their scientific posters in the aula, which opened additional space for discussion. Finally, before the closing remarks from the coordinator, the representatives of system integrators in the project – TU Delft, Chalmers University and Walther-Meissner-Institute (Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities) –presented some interesting updates from their research, relevant for the project as a whole.
This marked the end of the first OpenSuperQPlus progress meeting, but some partners still stayed in beautiful Budapest for two more days of ReAQCT conference, also sponsored by our consortium, where some of our project partners held dedicated sessions. To gain some impressions about the conference, check out the gallery here.
The OpenSuperQPlus consortium in Building Q of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics – © BME / Berci Geberle
Project coordinator Frank Wilhelm-Mauch (FZJ) and project manager Antonija Zrno Ćulap (RISE) at the podium in the main conference hall – © BME / Berci Geberle
Meeting participants in the conference hall – © BME / Berci Geberle
Andras Palyi (BME) speaks to the audience in the impressive location – © BME / Berci Geberle
Informal exchange in the lobby during a meeting break – © BME / Berci Geberle
One of the many breakout sessions on individual areas of work
View from the Danube over beautiful Budapest